Friday, November 12, 2010

The Radar Tank

Tanks in Warfare:

Through the Freedom Of Information Act, some of the secrets of wartime are gradually being revealed to

historians. It has been said that

"When a war starts, the first casualty is the truth."
For instance, not many people are aware that during the very early stages of radar development during

World War I, the Allies did not want the Germans to know what they were working on, so Churchill

suggested that the early radar sets be boxed up, labelled as "Tanks", and driven around the country on

railway cars. The idea was that the Germans would think that the word "tank" referred to water tanks. This

program of misinformation was so successful that when the army actually introduced real tanks, they

Cromwell tank
named the first type in Churchill's honour, the "Cromwell." Whereas radar was used in World War I

exclusively as an airborne device, and then in World War II for ships and ground stations, the tank was first

used in battle in the Korean war at the town of Fiona, Italy.

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